Khemitology- An Alternative Perspective on Ancient Egypt

Renowned Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd’el Hakim Awyan (1926-2008), developed the discipline of Khemitology (with the assistance of longtime friend and student, Stephen Mehler), to address the study of ancient Khemit (KMT), the name the indigenous and the ancients used to describe Egypt, or the “Black Land”. It was named for the rich, dark alluvial soil that the Nile nourished its banks with during its annual flooding each summer. This inundation of the Nile was a much celebrated event, as it was responsible for the abundance of food supplied from a rich agriculture, and symbolized the fertility of all things.


                                                          Yousef, Hakim and Sadat

Hakim was particularly fascinated by the evidence left behind by the sophisticated civilization that lived in Khemit from 10,000 to 65,000 years or more ago, whose self-awareness and deep resonance with nature enabled them to develop devices and advanced technologies that mystify us today.


                             Hakim in Aswan

Born and raised in the small village of Nazlet El Saman, at the very edge of the Giza Plateau, Hakim developed an interest in the true origins of the many monuments and artifacts of ancient Egypt from a very young age. His keen insight guided him to visualize a totally different portrait of Egypt’s past from what has been written by traditional historians.

Driven by a need to know more, he embarked on a lifelong examination of the full scope, and possible impact that this information might have on our world. Hakim, whose name means “the wise one”, utilized the knowledge gained from acquiring degrees in both archaeology and Egyptology throughout his more than 55 years of fieldwork.  Also a renowned spiritual tour guide, Hakim spent much of his life researching and studying, as he frequented the powerful ancient sites.

Combining his education, field experience, and inner guidance, Hakim was able to reveal that the early pre-dynastic Egyptians, or Khemitians, as he called them, were far more technologically and spiritually advanced than his-story has given them credit for.



                             Hakim and Stephen Mehler

The people ancient Khemit, referred to by Hakim as Sesh, became the original 42 tribes of Africa who, recognizing their connectedness to all that is, lived together in peaceful co-existence. People we now refer to as Hebrews, Tibetans, Russians, Europeans and the many tribes of our Black African Nations, were all, according to the indigenous tradition, originally tribes of ancient Khemit.  This tradition also holds that the borders of ancient Khemit stretched much further than what we know of Egypt today, spanning deeper into Africa, and into Mesopotamian and Mediterranean lands.

These were a highly advanced people, who, utilizing 360 natural senses, were capable of great feats of manifestation, alchemy, and trans-dimensional journeying. They had no need of a written or oral language or the confines of labels, and lived resonantly with the rhythms of their natural environment and the cosmos.

The ancients (all over the world) built many powerful and enigmatic structures, utilizing the elements from their environment, combining them with the energy naturally emanating from the earth, and constructed them in a fabric of sacred geometry reflecting the very cosmology and energetic make-up of our holographic universe. This was not the work of unintelligent or unevolved societies!

The stone structures in ancient Khemit that were used to mark, amplify and utilize the energy of the ley lines, were elaborate and complex, and included the placement of massive blocks of granite, basalt, diorite, alabaster, white calcite, sandstone and limestone, each required for its unique energetic properties, and were often transported from very long distances. Many of these huge blocks were quarried much later, during Dynastic and Ptolemaic times, to build temples over existing temples, and create new statues, and buildings. In fact, the monument and temple sites throughout Khemit, have been transformed over and over again, during thousands of years of occupation by many different cultures and civilizations. The writings and glyphs on much of what we find at the historic sites were added during these more modern times as well. As most of the standard historical dating of the sites and monuments has been based on the writings found in, on or around them, it is evident that these assertions can be misleading and often blatantly wrong!



Our text books tell us that the Great Pyramid was built by thousands of peasants with 2.3 million blocks of granite and limestone, weighing from 2.5 to over 100 tons, in 20-60 years — to serve as a tomb for a Pharaoh. Engineers and architects would tell you that this could not be accomplished in this fashion, and with such precision, even today. Khemitology holds that these structures were not created to function as tombs and are far more ancient than the 4,600 years that historians would have us believe. Much evidence has been uncovered to support that they were bio-organic energy devices that are still alive and pulsing today. The complex architecture of the natural elements that include highly crystalline rock, combined with the frequencies of sound, and varying temperatures of running water, all effectively worked together to generate an electromagnetic energy field.  The various Pyramid complexes in Khemit were networked as a dynamic design of underground tunnels, chambers, wells and shafts, implying an even wider scope of purpose and capability.

Our ongoing research shows that the very ancient Khemitians had the knowledge and ability to change the consistency or molecular structure of matter itself—and therefore, many of our questions and arguments about construction methods and gravity become mute.  The words, alchemy and chemistry are derived from “El Khemit”, pointing to this superior knowledge of the nature of their reality. If they had the use of higher dimensional sensibilities, they would have had the capability of creating on scale that we can’t even imagine with our limited three dimensional minds.

Many believe that the sophistication of the design and function of the Pyramids and other megalithic monuments can only imply that they were built by aliens….or by Egyptian Gods and Goddesses that once walked the earth.  We would emphatically say “No!”.  It is human nature to label anything we can’t comprehend as “super-natural”, divine, miraculous or magical.

However, according to Hakim and indigenous traditions worldwide, life on earth cycles through eternal dark and golden ages. Hakim would often exclaim: “There’s nothing new under the sun!” implying that, in a reality of no time or death—everything exists, and always has—in the present. Everything is in a constant state of transformation and exists in an ever spiraling, cyclical and holographic matrix.

The Khemitians viewed “existence” on Earth in cycles of emergence and growth, retreat and rebirth spanning hundreds of thousands of years. Their conception of the sun’s daily journey through the sky applied to the process of growth and decline, light and shadow, appearance and withdrawal that they saw occurring over many solar years in the life cycles of individuals, civilizations and with all that exists in the universe.

 The ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius as a giver of life, as it always reappeared at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. When Sirius sank in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden for 70 days before emerging in the east in the morning. This was viewed as a time of ending and renewal.  In fact, the Khemitians never spoke of death —but, rather of “westing”.   They knew that we are ultimately immortal, and are in a constant state of change…or transformation.


The Neter, Nut (the sky), swallowing the Sun and giving birth to Kheper, the winged Scarab

The Egyptian five-pointed star represents the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. It also represents the five stages of the sun during the day. The Neter, Nut, is the sky, and in the above depiction of her, you can see her give birth to the sun, symbolized as “Kheper”, and see this sun making its journey through her body (the sky) until she swallows it, again at dusk.

The Khemitian Cycles of Consciousness:

kheper KHEPER, the Driller, is symbolized by the winged scarab. It is the first phase of emergence, of coming into being. This is the age that we are in the process of entering now. The sun is rising up over the horizon, revealing much that was previously hidden during the previous age of separation, duality and darkness.


.    raRa, the Stubborn, refers to the energy of the impetuous youthful male. Naturally linked with Aries the Ram, Ra represents an age increased learning and development.


sunOon (from where our word “noon” was derived) is the Wise One. The Sun is at its zenith in the sky. Civilization advances steadily, with the knowledge that we thrive when we live in resonance with our environment and each other.


images (3)Aten is the Wiser. The Sun is at its maturity, in middle to late afternoon. Civilization reaches its highest state of being and vibrates in higher dimensions, enjoying higher levels of awareness and sensibilities.  Human beings can feel and interact with their outer world on an energetic level and choose to live resonantly with their environment- promoting the healthy sustainability of the planet and all of its inhabitants.


nutAmen or Amun, refers to a time when the Sun becomes the Hidden One as it is swallowed by NUT (the Sky) and vanishes. This is the age we have been experiencing for centuries. Civilization devolves into a dualistic world of polarities, where knowledge and wisdom can be easily manipulated and hidden from us.



From the Age of Kheper to the Age of Aten, we are in the process of raising our levels of awareness; however, as we dip into the Age of Amen, we devolve, and lose touch with our higher sensibilities.  During the stage of Aten, we achieve our highest levels of consciousness, and possess what we would call “godlike” abilities and qualities. Existing in a higher dimensional reality, the Khemitian civilization would have had no need for oral or written language. Communication via frequency, would have reached its purest form, on a “heart to heart” basis, promoting a resonant environment of harmony, peace and prosperity –as defined by the word, Hotep.

We are currently moving out of the Cycle of Amen, a Dark Age or lower vibrational, polarized three dimensional reality. The truths of our unlimited potentials have been concealed from us, as we navigate a dualistic world of dark and light energies, of feelings of separation from a “God” and from each other.

We are now preparing to leave the darkness and enter into the Age of Kheper.  The veil is being lifted, and the game of the polarities is coming to a close.  We are beginning to see our world from a higher and broader perspective, recognizing the impact of our interaction with our natural environment. This is an exciting time to be alive!

The wisdom and knowledge of the ancients could have vast implications for us in this NOW moment.  Our present day earth and its inhabitants have been gravely endangered by our synthetic technologies—including volatile nuclear power plants. If we could completely understand and unveil the knowledge that the Khemitians possessed of free and natural generation of energy, the corruption inspired by a world economy based on oil and the ravaging of our planet could end. It would initiate an amazing New Dawn of existence and hope for us all.

We invite everyone, from all walks of life, and all areas of expertise to combine their efforts with us on this vital mission of hope and discovery!

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